Hi-Q by THC BBS Twitter : @realTHCBBS Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/thcbbs email : I'm the SysOp, and my site is thcbbs.com. You can guess the email but I hope the spamlist scrapers don't. BBS : telnet://vintage.thcbbs.com, port 23. Yes, you can login to an actual BBS and leave me SysOp feedback. I'll eventually get it but the modern contact methods will get to me sooner. Release Notes v1.4.0 2022-02-19 Mostly internal improvements. - Abstracted the door framework into its own unit. - Refactored much of the framework source code to modern readability and maintainability standards. The 90's really were a code cowboy era! - On exiting the door, HiQ will now say "Exiting to ", e.g. "Exiting to Tommy's Holiday Camp BBS" instead of the generic "Exiting to the BBS" if the BBS name is available from the door drop file. - The /n node command line parameter was not being honoured. Fixed that. - Added the /p command line parameter to allow specifying a full path and custom filename for the door drop file. See the readme file for more. - When exiting the door, the cursor now moves to the bottom of the screen so the exit to BBS looks cleaner. - Removed registration key code. This door is now freeware (CC BY-SA 3.0). - Fixed a long standing bug in the door framework where the 5 minute input timeout would cause the door to hang instead of exit to the BBS like it's supposed to. v1.3.0 1996-10-16 This is the legacy version from the 1990s. We didn't keep release histories in those days. Versions prior to this once existed and may still exist in ancient CD-ROM archives somewhere but the source code for versions prior to 1.3.0 is now lost to the sands of time...